Il portale dell'Oftalmologia italiana | SOI - Società Oftalmologica Italiana
  • Jun



WOC 2018 - 16 -19 Giugno 2018, Barcellona


Connecting Globally to Advance Eye Health

Join us in Barcelona, Spain, at the Fira Gran Via conference centre for the 36th World Ophthalmology Congress® (WOC2018) of the International Council of Ophthalmology, with representation from more than 140 countries.

To check out the @World Ophthalmology Congress® (WOC) Invited Program, which includes the session grids by day, speaker list by country, list of participating societies, schedule-at-a-glance, scientific program committee and invited program coordinators, click on the following link

Also taking place are the following specific YO and Emerging leader sessions;

YO Events during World Ophthalmology Conference (WOC) in Barcelona, June 16 -19

YO Night Out in Barcelona

Sunday, June 17 from 10 p.m. to midnight at Café del Mar

Attend this complimentary event and mingle with your YO colleagues from all over the world. A limited number of complementary tickets are available in the YO lounge

A YOs Perspective: Joint Networking Event with AAO, APAO, PAAO and SOE

Monday, June 18 from 12:30 – 13:30 p.m. in the Emerging Leaders / YO Lounge

YOs are invited to meet with colleagues from SOE, AAO, APAO,  and PAAO and learn about key issues in several regions around the world.

For all up to date details go to


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18 gennaio 2025

SOI - Societa' Oftalmologica Italiana
Via dei Mille 35 - 00185 - ROMA
P. IVA 01051561007 - C. F. 02382000582


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SOI - Societa' Oftalmologica Italiana
Via dei Mille 35 - 00185 - ROMA
P. IVA 01051561007 - C. F. 02382000582

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